In the studio 27.03.17

Here we are! the first in the studio post, I mean't to do one last week but I managed to get a stall yesterday and manically prepared for that!! - it was really fun and I learn't a lot though it wasn't really a selling enviroment. It's motivated me to do more stalls and keep working hard.

So, I've been mostly decorating jars and making prints with watercolour and embossing powders for the shop! I'm OBSESSED with embossing. I came up with a new design for the jars and also got a rose gold colour for drawing on jars with which is gorgeous and has pretty much been used up already! 

I haven't done much stitching since finishing my pink ombre stitch and black mandala while off but I've just started one I am SUPER excited about, I picked the colours to make one for one of my best habiti's but I loved the colours so much I have to do one for the shop! - I'm even debating doing a 3rd one for me! I can't wait! The larger stitches take me around 30+ hours and since I'm back to full time work these two are going to keep me pretty busy! 

My plans for this next week is to get some new prints designed, update my shop with new products and work on promotion and lastly get some good headway with my new stitch!

Ciao x

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It's official I AM BACK. 

I wanted to really get back into blogging in January but sadly I broke my hand in December and couldn't type or do anything towards my blog really. I'll be honest I have no bloody clue where Feb went but here I am! - with a plan! I've got around 17-18 blog post idea's I'm going to bang out this week and then I'm gonna brainstorm and go from there really. I've missed blogging! 

Something I really want to do is an in the studio feature, I'm thinking about making these a permanent Wednesday thing just showing you guys what I am up to creatively especially as throwing myself into artwork has probably been a main reason for the lack of blogging. This way I have no excuse! I know I've said this heaps previously but I do want to step my blogging game up. I'm trying to be a lot more organised and procrastinate a lot less this year so we will see how that goes! 

This one was just a quickie - but expect a post every 2-3 days!

Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)
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22 portraits

Oh god, I really need to be more organised with my blogging! Sorry guys! If I didn't have enough projects going on I've decided to tackle a new one! Recently I've been really inspired by the artist Emanuel De Souza ( @emanuelartist if you are on instagram) and his portraits. He does so many amazing ones and when they were all grouped together they had a really nice overall look and his style and personality really came through. I decided as I keep saying I wanted to practice portraits, a similar project would be perfect! Now, I previously ordered 22 canvas's to do some colour studies on, the colour study hype is over and I've decided to rework the canvas's into 22 portraits of musicians that inspire me. 

It's going to be a massive challenge and definitely NOT one that will be completed anytime soon with a trip home, mini trip to Budapest and Christmas but I may give myself a target of April. It's also going to be really hard because theres quite a few men I'd like to paint and I've never tried painting a beard before PLUS I still need to work on my style, colours and technique but I think it's going to be such an amazing challenge and I can't wait to get brainstorming for it! I already know a lot of people I want to paint like the lads from Bastille, Lapsley, Jack Garratt to name a few! I think I may use my time home to get sketching and brainstorming. I may do a timelapse video for some or even some prints of the painting or sketches if they come out decent! Of course I will be doing some posts inside my sketchbook and little updates as well!!

Are you guys working on any projects at the moment? 

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