

Just a small update, I'm off home tomorrow!! I'm so excited to see my folks, cats and friends and just GET OUT of this cold weather and chill out in some sun! ( My home is Abu Dhabi)

I'm taking a small sketchbook to jot down any idea's I have in terms of my art and clothing line. I'm not taking my laptop as it's nice to get a break from the internet so I won't be updating my blog till the 15th, I can't wait to share some pictures!! In terms of training, I'm going to run 30 mins everyday, then I have 3 big runs planned with one or two half marathons and two hour runs aswell. I also am planning on swimming alot and also doing my core strenghtening plan! 55 days till my holiday and 32 days till the marathon still got a fair amount to drop!

I've added a review page to start reviewing products I use, I'm not sure how to get my posts to go under the right page aswell, any tips please tell me! If not I am going to look into this more when I get back.

Ciao x

ASOS Holiday Wishlist.

So I am trying a new format with pictures, what do you think? Think it needs alittle more work! The other day I was on ASOS having a cheeky look at what I can't buy and here is a few things I really want for summer, think I will get them in May for holiday as a little post-marathon treat! Loving skater dresses at the moment! Not sure I need the Vans hat but its so cute! 

In other news at work we raised 175 pounds for charity! I'm absolutely buzzing! Planning new events to do to raise more money! My back is a little better so I am getting back on the training tomorrow and hitting it harder then ever before 40 days left!
In May I am thinking I will start doing some outfit posts and maybe some hair and make up when I have perfected some. I've been practicing my victory rolls! http://graceandbraver.blogspot.co.uk/ has a really simple and easy tutorial! Go and check it!
Ciao xo