

Just a small update, I'm off home tomorrow!! I'm so excited to see my folks, cats and friends and just GET OUT of this cold weather and chill out in some sun! ( My home is Abu Dhabi)

I'm taking a small sketchbook to jot down any idea's I have in terms of my art and clothing line. I'm not taking my laptop as it's nice to get a break from the internet so I won't be updating my blog till the 15th, I can't wait to share some pictures!! In terms of training, I'm going to run 30 mins everyday, then I have 3 big runs planned with one or two half marathons and two hour runs aswell. I also am planning on swimming alot and also doing my core strenghtening plan! 55 days till my holiday and 32 days till the marathon still got a fair amount to drop!

I've added a review page to start reviewing products I use, I'm not sure how to get my posts to go under the right page aswell, any tips please tell me! If not I am going to look into this more when I get back.

Ciao x

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