
If you've ever stumbled across this blog before you will notice that a change has gone on( hint: if you haven't been before it's a blog name/header change....).
Well, I've been in a life rut for a little while now, life, job/lack of creativity, money...being ill. It's all gotten a bit much and I just felt like I had nothing to write here. Life hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies for the past few months but it hasn't been entirely shit either. I just felt really stuck and lost on where I was going with this blog(and well life in general) and I just wanted to do...maybe a Sprinkle of Glitter here and just be a bit more personal, write about what 20 somethings do, talk about my flaws and goals. It's okay to fuck up and its okay to have no idea what's going on and I guess that's exactly what I want to say. I want to be able to write about the non-sugar coated parts of my life, I'm guess I'm just saying that there is more to me than beauty posts and I want my blog to reflect that ( not to say that there won't be some beauty posts - the charlotte tilbury obsession is still going strong.) I really want to progress my writing, I really used to love writing short stories and I still want to blog about art and fitness/health. So maybe a lot of content may stay the same but let's just take it all in a post at the time. 
So, why nine lives club?
Well, if you've seen my insta bio it's pretty much - bridget jones but with cats. That's pretty much my life the single cat lady. 1 cat down, 26 more to go until I have reached peak spinsterhood ( I joke...kind of) and I just thought a name change kinda fit.
So there we are. Let's see how this goes.
x L
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