5 things .... Goals for the rest of the year!

I'm baaaaaaaack. After a month of no blogging - boy am I glad to be here! I won't lie the month off has left me totally unprepared and feeling like I'm back at square one but here I am.... In case any of you were wondering my month off was due to 1) moving house/ lack of internet 2) the fact my domain/blogger wouldn't sync up( THE MOST frustrating thing ever)3) chronic sinusitis - I was toying with the idea of a post on this but it is a pretty dull and uninspiring topic and I'm sure you all don't want to read a post about me moaning. I've decided to up my 5 things to not just 5 things about the week but 5 things in general every sunday so if I'm inconsistent with other blog posts hopefully I won't be with these! 
I thought what better way to come back than with a post all about my plans and goals for the rest of the year, I'm sure you are all aware I do love a good goals post. 
1. Get back on the fitness wagon, since being ill I have well and truly fallen back to my old ways and the fat/ generally being unfit is slowly creeping back. Sinusitis makes me incredibly lethargic and not exercises and eating crap isn't helping with my energy levels at all. I've kinda accept the idea I won't be able to do the half marathon I signed up for which I am gutted about but I just cannot commit to being able to train enough for this. I also can't jump back into my BBG plan because its just to intense for me at the moment so I'm looking to go back to yoga/ climbing/ the occasional run and weights! I've also found an exercise class based on drumming which I am really excited to try and hopefully I'll be able to manage! 
2. Do something creative everyday - I really need to get off my arse here and start making work. A little part of me is terrified its all going to be crap and I'll be disappointed with myself but I miss making things and designing. I also have a new shop coming soon with my housemate which I am so excited for and there is A LOT to do. So I want to draw, paint and stitch at least a little everyday.
3. Learn calligraphy- Sliiiightly related to above but I really want to learn modern calligraphy.I've found an online course which I am hoping to start next month - I'll update you all on how I get on! 
4. Get back on the blogging bandwagon well and truly - I need to get both blogs going and potentially I will be running another one with my housemate along our shop which means there is heaps of blog content I need to brainstorm and with a severe lack of funds I will really need to get that creative cap on.
5.Sort my shit out. Like get a nighttime routine, catch a Jolteon on pokemon go, get some savings going. get all the paintings in my room framed and hung that kinda thing. Work on my mindfulness and build my self confidence up again being ill for 3 months plus can really get you down! Adding getting better to this list as well! And aim to complete most of my resolutions list!  
So that's where I'm at at the moment! There's a lot to do and it's gonna be a struggle but I'll just do what I can! 
What goals do you have for the rest of the year? 
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