
This weekend I finally went to prague with a bunch of girls from work. I have been dying to go to prague for a lonnnggg time, it looks so picturesque and it definitely didn't disappoint.

Everyone is really lovely and helpful, we didn't meet anyone who didn't speak english.

We stayed at royal court apartments and I definitely recommend it! They are getting a spa put in as well!! and you can order a massage to your room! the location is great as well!

It was a little confusing figuring out how to buy a tram ticket you have to get it from a shop or something so we taxi'd and only once got conned. lets say we learnt out lesson to ask the cab fare before going anywhere!! Apart from that its super easy and cheap to get around.

If you can get to a pilsner pub with a PUB sign oustide it means you get a table and get to pour your own pints, you're even in a little competition with all the other tables and pubs!

Dislikes? the smell occasionally. and the ice bar, FREEZING and it was not enjoyable apart from that I loved everything and I am seriously going back next year!

have you guys been?! where are your favourite places in prague for me to try next time?


  1. Your pictures are great! I am heading there for a few days in February and I cannot wait. It is a place I always wanted to go to, and considering I am only 4 hours away by bus, I am surprised it has taken nearly 4 years to happen.

    1. I'm 2 and a half hours away on the plane so I am just as bad! you are gonna love it!! apparently they still have some snow usually around then too! :)

  2. It looks so beautiful! I'd love to go one day, so many places on my wishlist. I love the idea of me pulling a pint too.. hmm.. :) Haha!

    Jem xx

    1. Jemmmaaa you would love it! everyones like drunk or hungover or just so happy!! hahahaha x

  3. The streets are so gorgeous, I would love to go one day! x

    Cream Tea And Rose Jam // Pretty Honest Giveaway

  4. So so SO jealous, I would absolutely love to go to Prague!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog
