Another update - I'm back!

Hey guys! I know it's been a while but I AM BACK.

The internet basically didn't get set up until friday - a lot later then expected!!  3 weeks without the internet has been a little refreshing but I have missed blogging and I have a list of things I am excited to blog about so I am hoping to get regularly posting again from maybe weds or friday onwards. I want to get some pictures and posts written up in good timing and not rushed. 

I was debating doing a mini house picture post - of like little details we've done to make the house more homely. I'm not sure just yet, I may wait a while until things are more set up and we have a few more bits and bobs in the house. I really want to do a room post but the walls need painting and frames bought so perhaps October when I have worked on it and got it how I want it set up.

Being in the new place has already sparked my creativity and inspiration, it's insane how quickly life has changed. We've been cooking really healthily and I may do a few meal posts and healthy idea posts which is exciting. I've started creating ideas and brainstorming for my clothing line again, I really want to get this out next year and I've been thinking of ways to raise the funds for it. I've also started drawing and hopefully going to start watercolours and re-learn how to oil paint! I'm thinking about selling my paintings to help raise money to start the brand so keep an eye out! the oils are going to be portrait practices so we will have to see how I get on as I haven't painted with oils since high school and I haven't really done colour portraits. all in all I'm just really excited about life and thinking about what my life may be like this time next year - fingers crossed I won't be stuck in a call centre! 

What have you all been up to?  x

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