a healthy easy to make work snack idea

I've been looking at other ways to keep healthy while at work as I was getting a little bored of apples or carrots. Whilst I was in Aldi I came across these chia and oat crispbreads I thought they would be perfect! Chia is really good for you and something I have been trying to put in my diet more. I decided to whip up my own guacamole to put on top as avocado is something I am trying to eat more of too and it was super simple!! 
1) get a ready to ripe avocado, I didn't know these existed till the other week so make sure you get one because it makes your life A LOT easier. put the avocado in a bowl and cut it up into small pieces and then mash it up.( - if your avocado isn't properly ripe your going to really struggle to mash it as it comes out quite chunky and also doesn't taste as nice)
2) put in some garlic powder and some chili infused oil ( this will depend on how strong you want it) 
3) cut up some baby tomatos and chuck these in and you are DONE. 
Literally it's that easy, I usually make this in the morning before work and take half in this cute little jar and spread it over the crispbread. one avocado can spread over 4-5 crispbreads. YUM. I'm thinking about trying hummus next! 
what would you put ontop of the crispbread? give me some ideas! x
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