Easy on the go breakfast

You need: a baking tray, butter/ spray oil, 6-7 eggs ( depending on your baking tray i would say 1 egg for 2 cups..holes.. whatever they are called!), milk and whatever ingredients you choose! 
Lately since it's too cold for me to drive and as the winds are a bit mental I've had to find solutions to quick and easy breakfasts ( and when I say quick I do mean like 5 minutes!). I love making these egg muffins as you can do them the night before and  they can last a few days and you can literally chuck in whatever you like! 
When I made these I only had tomato and courgettes in so thats what went in, I have previously put in things like spinach, mushrooms, avocado, broccoli.... literally whatever you like! you could even mix in some chia and flaxseed for that extra health kick. 
How to make them:1. Literally whisk the eggs and milk together like you would for scrambled egg and pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. 2. butter or spray your baking tray, 3. chop up your veg and chuck em in ( you can even mix and match - the more veg in the less egg that is needed as well!)  4. pour in your egg  mix 5. chuck in the oven and leave for 10-12 minutes - ta-daaaaa done. then just plate em up, cover them and leave them in the fridge. Then pop them in a container for on the go! - Perfect!
let me know your favourite egg combinations!! 
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