New year resolutions 2016!

The planners are from here
It's that time of yeaaaaaaar! Resolutions! - A lot of people hate the whole ' new year new me' thing but personally I love the idea of getting a clean slate and a fresh start!
I always love to set myself goals for the future and I think last year I did preeettty good ( not to like toot my own horn there). I think I did a lot of growing and changing last year that has really put me in a good place to just keep going forward. It was a challenging and tough year but I had some amazing moments and experiences at the same time. So.... - Some goals!!
1) Finish off the interiors of my room and house - I'm mega interiors obsessed and I really want my room to get finished and looking how I've always wanted. Somethings I want are a make up desk + chair, some new bedding, LOTS of morrocan lamps and lights, a gallery wall and some more nice shoe storage. Over the house I want new pillows rugs + decorations. I also have A LOT of old things that just need to get sold. There is just so much to do still! 
2) Get back to regularily doing hot yoga and salsa, these are two things I really love and really miss due to fundings. I would love to do these even if its twice a month. Salsa is such a fun way to meet people and yoga is something I've always loved and I want to start investing more time in, I'm even thinking about practicing enough to learn to teach one day. ( that's a long term goal right there!) 
3) Get toned, I know I put this last year too but I was very up and down with my health last year and only really picked it up at the end of the year. I really want to get back to bouldering and doing some weights in the gym. I always want to get better at cooking and try lots of new recipes and invent some of my own!
4) Sort my money, I pretty much erased most of my debt in June but some did creep back, espcially with christmas. So I really want to spend the next couple of months sorting that and also getting some savings built up so I can afford to go home or not have to constantly worry about money when I want a treat. 
5) Start some art collections & large scale paintings. I've been starting some sketchbooks of idea's for works and I have been practising painting styles. I've still got a way to go but I'm proud of the fact I have started to sell work already and I'm hoping by the end of the year I can get a drawing and painting style down and get larger prints and originals sold. I also really want to start attending craft markets to sell work and I'm going to start creating little arabian inspired jars to sell. 
6) build my blogs more, I think I made some great headway with this blog, sure I had some dry patches, the youtube channel didn't really kick off and neither did my style blog, but in a way I'm glad because now I know my vision better than ever and I can put more time and effort into creating things I'm really proud of. I really want to work on being more social and building a following this year and improving my photography. There's A LOT of exciting things planned ahead! 
7) Quit my job, this just wasn't realistic last year and I know not to get rid of a good thing. Hopefully with some hard work I can get to a place where my art funds me enough! I'm just not sure how much more time I can spend on the phones. Ideally I want to start my brand but baby steps and I am just accepting I need to be in a whole different place before that can happen! 
8) Learn Arabic, I started learning Italian last year but a part of me has always wanted to learn arabic and I think it will make me feel a little more closer to home. I've seen a few classes so I think I am going to try to get some pennies together to learn. 
9) Get a car, I've had my heart set on a car since last January - Mint green fiat 500 cult, but I just didn't NEED a car. I've got my bike ( which I still prefer driving) and it gets me from A to B. A car is just 20 times more expensive and I would love to be in a place where I could afford to have one so I can go to Ikea when I want or visit my parents in Chester now they are back, or even visit my blogger friends! I also think I need a car for my little businesses I'm starting next year so thats now on the resolution list! 
I could write endless lists of goals but I think those are the main ones. I really want to keep growing, being more open and discovering who I am as a person and showing that in my manners, personality and also my style.
what are your goals and resolutions for the year? 
P.S please bare with me on blog photo's I don't have photoshop right now so my photo editing isn't as great! 
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