Sara Raasch - Snow like ashes

I love a good fantasy book and this certainly did NOT disappoint! I had been eyeing this up for a while before luckily receiving it as a christmas present. Snow like ashes is the first in a trilogy of books by Sarah Raasch. If you liked anything like the tearling books by Erika Johansen you will love this! 

The book is set in the land of Primoria with 4 season kingdoms and 4 Rhythm kingdoms each with it's own magical conduit for each of the rulers to help grow their kingdoms. The story is about a girl named Meira who is one of 8 people left from the 25 that escaped Winter when it was destroyed by spring. Meira is 100% devoted to the cause of saving Winter and they aim to do this by getting both parts of the conduit that was broken when Winter was overtaken. Meira quickly learns that she doesn't really get much choice when it comes to destiny and has to shape the way she is to try and stay as true to herself as she can in each new situation no matter how much she doesn't agree with it.

The book was really well written and Meira was such a great character though sometimes when she was discovering her thoughts and herself I kinda felt like a few things were repeating themselves or just a little unnecessary- it's hard to explain until you read it really - no spoilers happening here! Though it didn't really affect my love for the book at all. There were a few twists and turns, one which I had an inkling about - which came true but the book was so addicting I finished it within 3 days. I think I'm going to get Ice like fire to read this weekend - I was going to wait for my holiday but I can't wait till March to find out what's going on! 

have you read this?? what did you think? 


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