Getting Lean in 15

Chances are you've probably heard of Joe Wicks and Lean in 15 by now, he has blown up massively this year. I've been a long time follower of Joe's instagram because he posts simple easy to make recipes that don't require complicated ingredients or insane amounts of time to make which is perfect for those days you really cannot be bothered cooking or if you don't have much time in general! It also means you don't have to troll online or go to special food shops to source ingredients. So naturally when his book came out I had to snap it up!
The book explains the basic concept behind ' Lean in 15' and how Joe's plan works. It's then divided into 3 sections, meals you can eat normally, meals you eat after a work out ( these tend to be more carb loaded) and snacks. At the end of the book he's put in some HIIT work outs( he also has some on his youtube page)  and some examples of the 90days transformations as inspiration.
Some of the recipes look delicious like the meatballs and pasta, Italian stallion sausages and also the tomatoes, eggs and chorizo. I will admit there isn't much for vegetarians which is the only downside so if you got this you would need to adapt the recipes. The book is nice and simple and has some great photography which is always a plus point for me! If you are thinking about getting a new recipe book to get you on that healthy track I really recommend this! The recipes are simple and don't require complicated ingredients you may need to go to a specialist store for or spending like £5 on a paste for one meal you may never use again. I managed to pick this up for £7.50 from waterstones which is an insane bargain!
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