Recipe: Chocolate Banana Protein Pancakes

It's no secret I am trying to be healthy, there have been a few slips but one bad meal isn't the end of the world and I am slowly starting to not enjoy fast food. I recently got some protein from the good whey company. so that I could try out this recipe as I wanted a change from scrambled or fried eggs in the morning. I got this recipe on instagram either from @thebodycoach or @eatcleanalice I'm really sad I can't find the source to give the full credit. the only downside to these pancakes is that I have to get up earlier to make them so less sleeping time, I am also getting used to what heat to have my hob on. 

The pancake recipe itself is so easy I use: 
- 1 Banana
- 1 Egg
- Teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons of chocolate protein

you can add some crushed berries into the mix aswell but I prefer to sprinkle them with strawberrys after DELISH!

When cooking these bad boys they are a pretty different consistency to your normal pancake so today I found its easiest to flip with by using your spatula and a table spoon, so as it sticks to the pan ease it up with the spatula then stick the spoon under to hold it up and keep doing this to halfway and then you should be able to flip easy! 

What's your favourite thing to eat with pancakes? or even use chocolate protein I am on the hunt for more healthy recipes!

Ciao x

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