The fitness update

It's happened... I've completed the BBG1!!! I can't believe it's over -I've honestly loved this plan! Although I didn't get in as much HIIT as I should have over the past few weeks ( weeks 9-12 introduces HIIT as well as your LISS workouts) I have definitely achieved something. The workouts stepped up like crazy in the last 4 weeks and ONCE and only once in the whole 12 weeks I didn't complete a circuit in time and I pushed myself harder to make sure I did it the second time around. I genuinely can't beleive some of the moves I've had to do!  
I feel a lot stronger and although there is some fat still there I feel a lot more toned and I never thought I would be able to do 20 commando's easy! My thighs have shrunk quite a lot and so has my back fat and biceps! I even think my boobs have shrunk a little ( YAS! - big boobed girls you may know my pain I just want to be able to buy bra's in any store and not have to hold out for the DD+ shops!). It's been lovely hearing it from people at work that they can tell my hard work has paid off and getting to fit into clothes I never have is always a plus! 
what's next? Well, I'm restarting the plan and upping my weights to 7-8kg, I'm toying with the idea of ankle weights and I'm also going to look at how to make the moves harder, although I'm redoing the plan I don't want to make it easy by any means! For the next month I'm still at hot yoga but I'm going to start adding in some running training! I hadn't wanted to properly start training till July for my half marathon but every little counts and I want to be able to do a 5k in 25 minutes and a 10K in around 55 in september! I also really need to focus more on my diet and cutting things out, although I have been quite healthy I want to have a more varied diet and really work harder at cutting out unnecessary sugars!
Here's to the next 12 weeks! I'll keep updating you every 4 weeks with my progress! x
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  1. This is AMAZING!!!!!! You should be so so so proud!!!!!! <3

  2. Oh well done! I've just restarted BBG and am on my second week haha. The first time I only made it to 7 weeks, so I'm really hoping I can keep at it this time!
