5 things - 01.05.2016

I've been inspired by Kate La Vie to start a 5 things post every Sunday, maybe about the week that's gone or the week coming up! 
1. Yesterday I got to go to the #NWmeet 2.0 - it was so lovely getting to see a lot of the Liverpudlian girls again! We always have a good laugh and I got to meet quite a few new bloggers as well which was lovely! We raised nearly £200 for the charity MIND which is unbelievable! and I even won some gorgeous furless face brushes which are SO freakin' soft! 
2. The return to Tattu - if you are wondering where that beautiful purple tree is from it's here! Now that I'm not full time veggie I was buzzing to be able to eat some venison wontons! I didn't realise there had been a menu change and thus, my beloved wontons were taken off and I will never know how they taste. I really recommend the mushroom spring rolls and the soy and orange chicken! 
3. I finally finished my Audrey Hepburn inspired painting, I tested out painting with magneta to shade and found I LOVED it. I've still go so much to learn with painting but I really liked the way this came out. I had originally intended to add some piercings and bindi's to her but couldn't bear to in case I messed it up. I'm going to look to get some prints made of her and I'm so inspired to get stuck into proper portrait painting again. I've also decided to start sketching again and working on my drawing. I really want to get out my debt, afford a car and start saving for a house and then eventually be able to do art full time. I've seen a house I like which is suuuppperr expensive ( aha! expect anything less from me?) so I know I won't get it but it's something to work toward. 
4.  I got Mcfly tickets!! aaaah. I've been a fan of the guys since pre-room on the 3rd floor! I remember getting the first album - I had asked my dad to pick it up on a trip back to the UK and he pretended he forgot to buy it and I had to try and act all casual like it wasn't soul destroying. Then there it was and I legged it to my neighbours so we could listen to it together. I ended up with the 3 gig ticket and I am SOOOO excited to FINALLY here 'sorrys not good enough' they NEVER play it live and it's the song I've always wanted to hear! I'm also having to trek to Glasgow to see them as the Manc dates are at the same times as Glastonbury. 
5.  Lastly, I've fallen a little in love with http://www.inthestyle.com/ this week, I just want everything for festival season! I ordered a few pieces on payday so I can't wait to get some outfit posts on my fashion blog. I've fallen a bit with that one but hopefully over summer I'm going to try to aim to do an outfit post a week - with some extra posts in between - so keep an eye out!
What has been going on with you guys? x
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