BBG 1.0 Weeks 1-4 update

Left after week 4 and right is just after pre-training!

I am totally a week late with this update SORRY! I explained in the last post life got a little mental! I've tried sticking to the plan as much as I can! I've started properly doing LISS by doing 35-45 minutes on a treadmill - doing a fast walk uphill incline, I've been watching TED talks at the same time to get my mind going as well. I won't lie I had a bit of a lapse one week, I was just super run down, I hadn't noticed a lot of progress and I cut the week short and drank a little too much and had one to many takeaways. A few days later I brushed it off and pushed on again re-motivated with how awful I felt eating badly. Progress was starting to be seen again! mostly on my thighs and also I am building some serious guns man! Slowly but surely the waist is shrinking but I think that's going to make the most change in weeks 9-12 though I have seen a lot of peoples progress in weeks 6-7 so I'ld be excited to see what happens before Thailand. The plan is getting harder and I've had to start going to the gym properly as I need all the equipement, I was a little nervous at first but now I just put everything I need in a corner and get on with it, I actually think I do much better at my workouts at the gym with people there to see if I try to give up too early. Things I've acheived is being able to do 15 push ups in a row easy. EASY. I didn't think that would be possible and I'm getting better at how many commando's I can do. So the outside progress may be slower than how I feel on the inside but I honestly feel so much stronger and better!! 

Here's to the next 4 weeks! 

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  1. You look amazing, I'm desperate to try this so will love to see your progress at the end. I don't want to join a gym though haha.
    Pretty Mad Things .. x o

    1. Thank you lovely! It's definitely a slowly but steady wins the race!! It's a fantastic plan but it does rely of a lot of self motivation!- something I've never stuck to before! There are a lot of ways you can adapt the plan to working at home though! Like I use a trunk instead of a bench I just decided to make the most of my gym at work!- at first I didn't want to do it there either but built the courage after doing this for 4 weeks! There's a fb group where the girls post heaps of ideas on how to adapt the plan at home as well! :) and they are more than happy to help! I think you can find the plan on pinterest you know ;) x
