Fitness: The beginnings.

Fitness is a really big thing for me and I wanted to put more fitness posts in my blog this year, I'm going to be doing recipes for sure but I'm not sure what else to include? What would you guys like to see? Maybe my favourite instagrammers? Youtube videos? What I have tried? Tips?
I thought I would do this post with just a few little things I have been doing to kickstart my fitness for this year. Ultimately I said in my resolutions post I want to have a toned body but I also want to become a lot more flexible, you know like crazy yoga poses flexible. 
I've been quite ill for a few months with sinusitis which means that I am really not up for going to the gym at the moment. If I feel up to it I try and to a mini workout at home with a kettlebell or weights but mostly this month the few things I have been doing: 
1- Drink green tea twice a day, usually I drink one when I get to work and after lunch
2- Drink more water, I also like to infuse my water for additonal benefits! You can read a little more about that here. Drink water is probably an obvious one but I drink enough at work and as soon as I get home I don't drink anything. 
3. Trying to eat better, I won't lie, I've still eaten many a pizza but I'm trying to eat meat and veg mostly. Snacking on carrots and hummus and eating granola for breakfast.  
It seems to have worked because I have definitely dropped off what I put on a christmas! I may do like a monthly update, with recipes in between and tips and tricks and all that jazz. What do you think?
Ciao x
PS. Check out my favourite Missguided Active pics here
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  1. Great post, I really want to get fitter this year :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

    1. I think there is something about the new year that really prompts people! Hopefully I will be doing a few posts on keeping fit! I always get really into it and then slack off and undo all the good work so my aim is to not do that! Just had a look at your blog it's lovely! I'm following you now - you have some really great outfit posts! x
