Liebster Award

Thank you  Kourtney - A Growing Petal for nominating me for the Liebster Award, It's such a lovely way to get to know us all!

The rules are:

- Thank and link the person who nominated you.
- Answer the questions given by the nominator
- Nominate 11 other bloggers (Who have less then 200 followers) and link them.
- Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
- Notify all nominees via social media/blogs!
My questions are:

1. Tea or coffee?
Green Tea. I don't drink either tea or coffee which makes it super awkward when I go to peoples houses and they don't really know what to do with me!
2. What is your favourite accessories?
3. What is your number one perfume?
I think Chanel Coco Madamoiselle
4. Who are your favourite youtubers/bloggers?
I love Lily Melrose, hello-october, Icovetthee & beautycrush - as big bloggers
I love Gemma at Dorkface! and porcelainbeautyx
5. What are the five songs that make you happy?
I got my mind set on you - George Harrison
Thirft shop - Macklemore ( hahaa, reminds me of good times)
Umm.. oh god it's so hard tryin to pick!
umm. I'm trying to think of some current favourites
I'll go with Foxes - glorious
oh my gosh. TAYLOR SWIFT - Shake it off (- Don't judge me!)
Lastly...Let's go with..... Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk. 

6. Thunder storm or sunshine?
7. Who is your ultimate woman crush and man crush?
Hmm. Man crush at the moment is Dan from Bastille or Kit harrington! Mmm
Lady crush is.... Millie Mackintosh at the moment! Dem Abs....and legs!
8. What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
9. What is your favourite pass time?
I love doing arty things, chilling with my cat. shopping, gym/working out/ reading
10. Would you rather have no hands or no feet?
No feet. espcially as I could get some kind of prosthetic to make me taller, I really couldn't function without hands!
11. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Turn into any kind of animal, I'd love to see how they see the world  and think too. Perks? get about for free- you know just flying around. Could poop on a few people didn't like....  could have quite a lot of fun really!

So I'm tagging: Sophie Rebecca / farfromperfectionxo / ashka / retroandthrift / ashleighailsa  and whoever would like to do this!

And my questions are:

1. If you could shop in one shop only ( clothes wise) which would it be?
2. Favourite place to eat?
3. Favourite blush?
4. Current favourite film?
5. Name an item on your wishlist?
6. What book are you currently reading?
7. If you could be any animal which would it be?
8. Where would you love to visit?
9. favourite place in the world?
10.  MAC or NARS?
11. What makes you happy?
Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)
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  1. As if you wrote GEMMA! hahahahhaa ;) xx

    1. OH MY GOD. you know I have another friend called Gemma and I always have to correct myself between you two :(

  2. I loved reading through these answers, the zombie apocolypse one made me laugh, i'd probably do the same lol!

    Clothing Conscious // Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. haha thank you!! I really don't know what I would do, I would love to dream and pretend I would be on it like Katniss but nah, I'd just cry in a cupboard and hope they don't find me!

  3. Congrats on the nomination! Can't believe I've found another person who drinks green tea only as well! I love normal tea too but always go for green! // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Thanks! I've never really drunk tea, I never liked the idea of being pressurised to drink a drink before it went cold! I used to drink my green tea cold for months and then the past few months I've loved it warm! x
