9 Tips and tricks to help with your blog design

New Year New Blog....look...

So you may notice a slightly different looking blog appearing over the last few weeks...

Part of my resolutions was to work harder at my blog and while I did like the way it looked I felt it could look a lot better and it didn't really reflect me personally, which I believe all blogs should and I have so many visions for how this blog will look. I thought I would take advantage of my time at home lazying about to start implementing some of these changes - perfect time for new year!

I've been looking all over the net for tutorials to help me sort the look out and thought I would share some I used here in case anyone was thinking the same and wanted to update their blog for the new year - or just in general!

Here are some super easy tutorials(believe me they are easy because I am USELESS at this stuff):

1, Adding Social Media buttons to your blog by hopeful honey

2. Centering the blog title and date by her & Nicole

3. Customise your 'newer' 'home' and ' older' links by pursuit of felicity

4. How to make your footer transparent by Ruby

5. top ten DIY blog tips by Joyful Life ( this was by far the most useful of them all!)

6. How to remove the grey from your header/sidebar pics by beautiful solutions

7. how to get rid of unwanted titles in the sidebar also by beautiful solutions

8. Get rid of the dotted lines between home and older tabs by Ruby ( Same Ruby newer blog! - it also gets rid of a dashed line I never even noticed before!)

9. How to add follow me links & picture to your signature by Jemma at Dorkface. There is going to be some html here, whenever I have HTML problems I ALWAYS go to Jem, she is an absolute queen at it and is so helpful and patient when I am always getting it wrong! ( go and tell her to start doing html tutorials!)

You need to go to: Settings -> posts and comments -> post template - ADD.

the past this ( don't forget to add your links!) ( if you don't want a picture don't add the first line(like me))

<center><img alt="post signature"src="YOUR LINK TO PIC HERE" /></center><p><br>
<center>Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)<p><br>
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Bloglovin</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Twitter</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Instagram</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Pinterest</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Facebook</u></a></center>

Let me know if these help!If you know any great tutorials let me know!

Ciao xo

Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)
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  1. This is so helpful!!!
    Just what I was looking for!

    Rebecca xx

  2. Thank you so much for the tips. They are literally very helpful <3

