Lifestyle: 14/03/2015 NW blogger meet up

Taken from Liv
The only photo I remembered to take - on my phone!
This saturday I got to go to my second blogger meet up which had been in the pipline since around January time! I wasn't as nervous as last time 1) because I already knew Gemma and 2) because a lot of us had been chatting in a FB chat so I already knew I was going to get along with these girls just fine and 3) last time I turned up late in a room of strangers I was welcomed so nicely. 
The event was held at Kabinett in Liverpool which is a stunning little bar, I am in LOVE with the decor and they played such an amazing album( I had to ask the bartender what album it was - turns out it was a spotify playlist of acoustic covers!). Being the ever professional blogger - I left my SD card at home so I'm sorry about the lack of pictures!
We each got a cake each ( From Hello and...) which was delicious and everyone grabbed a drink and started chatting, we were pretty much laughing from the word go! Admittedly I didn't get to chat to everyone so hopefully I'll get to chat to them all soon! Though I spent quite a bit of time falling in love with Carrie's life and shop Junkbox ( Where I got a lovely t shirt from). There was also a lovely girl from Natalie Roche who was testing out some of their amazing products on the girls. Later on we held a raffle to help raise some money for two charities - We raised £80 in total( for freshfields and claire's house) - I won a lovely candle from ArranAromatics and also a jar of coconut oil from Lucy Bee - which I can't wait to use for some hairmasks!
At the event we got a goody bag filled with so much! I couldn't believe it! so many companies have been so kind and generous! Beauty, food, stationary - allsorts! ( some of the food maaaay have got eaten before the pictures were taken....#sorrynotsorry). I got a little crazy excited about the stabilo pens and the busyb stationary...I'm just a bit of a stationary freak. There is just so much here to mention, I am going to do a few separate posts on products so keep an eye out for them in the next 6 weeks!

We also got a gorgeous little goody bag from Utility( which had a pineapple car freshner which I am SO excited to put in my little brum when I get it!) and Natalie Roche which had some amazingly soft brushes and products to test! 
Afterward we went to Las Iguanas in Lpool One where we didn't get the best service from the staff ( though the manager was lovely and made up for it) we did have some delicious food. It was such an amazing day - my throat hurts from laughing, I can't wait to see these girls again! 
To see some amazing photo's of the event check out Hannah who captured it beautifully!
Ciao x 
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