Fitness: MIC Fit DVD Review.

I'm not ashamed to say I am a big MIC fan, don't ask why, there is something about watching ridiculously rich posh people that I just love. When I saw a fitness DVD was coming out I joked to my mate about buying it, I didn't really take it seriously but I kept going back and looking at it as I did want a new fitness DVD and this did have 4 workouts I genuinely wanted to do. I read the reviews all saying it was surprisingly good and decided to bite the bullet! 
Yes, they do have slightly cheesy intro's but what is MIC without it? All the workouts are surprisingly really good and not all that easy. I find myself doing the easier workouts and still struggling - I'm going to defend myself here because I hadn't been to the gym for 3 months prior due to being ill with chronic sinusitis for what felt like all the time
The DVD has 4 workouts: HIIT & Tabatta which are both excellent fat burners and great cardio. I had become slightly obsessed with HIIT workouts after seeing them constantly mentioned on @thebodycoach 's instagram and how doing it 3 times a week seemed to help so well with weightloss. It also has a Pilates & a yoga workout for toning. So a perfect little balance for a beach body. 
I think I may have jumped head first into this DVD because I decided it would be a GREAT idea to start with the HIIT class not thinking how hard it was going to be,,,. it was really hard. I did the easier option, I took a few more breaks then I should have and I could barely walk down the stairs after. My thighs felt like they had been punched for days, which tells me it was super effective. 
The Tabatta class was surprising, I wasn't sure what to expect because I only knew Tabatta was doing an exercise for 4 minutes. You do a fair bit to help tone before and after and literally only do 4 minutes of heavy cardio. THE WORST 4 MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE. I kid, it wasn't that bad but considering I can run for four minutes I struggled! I faired much better at the yoga and pilates classes which isn't surprising as I do tend to do more of this anyway. 
Overall the coaches are really good and so are the workouts, it's easy and clear to follow. I actually really rate this DVD and would recommend it to anyone debating a fitness DVD and they want a little bit of a mix and a challenge. 
Have you tried it? What do you do for fitness? 
Ciao x
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  1. I LOVE MIC. Haha, I did see they'd made a fitness video but I didn't think that much into it, but if it's good I might buy it! I've been doing a lot of running lately and finding workouts on Youtube, but a DVD would be much easier than trying to watch on my phone or my laptop. Sometimes I find workout DVD's a bit too hard to follow so I'm glad you've said it's not like that. I'll look into this for sure! :)
    *signature MIC awkward pause* haha!

    1. I really like this, I'm starting to get back into running again but it's just been to cold and it hurts my chest so this was a great alternative! This is easy to follow but can be hard to do, Don't feel bad if you find it hard I did but maybe you'll do much better then I did hahaha! x
