Review - Illamasqua vintage metallix 'Bibelot'

Of the 3 Vintage Metallix shades this was the last on my list when I initially looked at them but when it came to buying them this one ended up in the basket first. I have this weird love for green shades right now and I don't really have any green shades at the moment let alone one like this and thought it would be a great addition!  
This isn't just your average olive green shade though- The whole collection was designed around ageing layers which I think they captured. This green has a vintage grey-y feel to it with gorgeous little gold and brown specs to add even  more depth and dimension.
As you can see from the second photo this eyeshadow has amazing build-ability ( I apologise about the blurry pic I've had to resort to a Macro lens that I can't seem to figure out!) One stroke and you've got an amazing base colour to build on but if you do another layer this looks fantastic as a standalone shade. I like to do one layer and then some more in the outer corners to blend light to dark with some white in the inner corner.  
The pot isn't as large as the Maybelline colour tattoo's and at £16.50 this is a hefty amount more but I feel like this is worth it? The texture and depth to this just trumps Maybelline for me. I haven't seen a shade like this anywhere and I really love the formulation of it. I also really love the packaging of this and it's romantic/vintage feel. I just wish they would bring out some more colours! - Currently they have 3 colours, a pink and a brown as well as 'bibelot' - the pink 'Courtier' I will be reviewing later in the month!
Have you tried any of these out?
Ciao x
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  1. This looks sooo gorgeous, although it's a bit out of my price range right now! x

    Amy | The Perks of Being Amy

  2. I definitely can't splash out on this right now, but omg it's BEAUTIFUL!


  3. This looks perfect for a smoky eye!


  4. This looks perfect for a smoky eye!

