Book: The Rosie Effect

This book is the sequel to ' The Rosie project' which was a great first novel by Graeme Simsion so SPOILERS( I guess?) if you haven't read that. Though I'm sure like most Rom-coms you can predict the ending that Don and Rosie end up together. 
The Rosie effect (which I won't lie I wish he had called ' The baby project' instead...anyone else?) is basically what happens when Rosie and Don move to America and Rosie finds out she's pregnant. If you read the first novel you know Don is all about structure and rules so he basically tries to implement this to Rosie while pregnant. Due to Don's nature he doesn't tend to show excitement and instead devises the baby project where he tracks the babys progress and researches the best way to look after it while in the room( I.e what Rosie should be eating...). Rosie now becoming a mother starts to realise how Don's introvert personality may affect his father skills and starts to see him as unfit. You basically see how Don copes with trying to learn how to be a father which put him in some interesting situations and how he copes with the possibility of loosing Rosie whilst trying to be a good friend. - I hope I didn't give much away there? 
There is something so genuine and lovely about Don you can't help but feel for him throughout this book. I really love the way Graeme has created in such detail his personality and traits. Overall if you loved the first you're gonna love the second. It's a great sequel and although the general ending is predictable Graeme puts Don in some pretty funny situations. It's a great light read if you don't want something too heavy. 
Have you read this? 
Ciao x
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1 comment

  1. This sounds like such a good book!

    P.s have you entered my #geekgirl giveaway?

