Book: Eat Pray Love

I was thinking today.... many a post ago, I said I was going to start book reviews.... where did that go? Anyway I thought I wanna jump back on the bandwagon, so here I am! I am an absolute bookworm and I feel I should share this love with you all. There is something about getting lost in someone else's life and escaping your own that I just love. 
A life I love to jump into the most? Elizabeth Gilberts! I LOVE like really love eat, pray, love. It's so inspiring how much she turns her life around from this bitter divorce and destructive relationship and goes after what she wants and hey! - who wouldn't want to go round Italy for 4 months eating all the pizza and pasta they want? I adore her writing style, I watched one of her interviews and she said she always aims her books at one of her friends. I think she really accomplishes this it also really inspires how I write on this blog and each post. I really do feel like a friend is talking to me and telling me all her inner secrets. The way she talks about each of the characters she introduces to you just makes you feel like you get them. 
In the story she essentially starts in america and introduces how this all came to be, her divorce and realising she didn't want to be married, her relationship with a younger man that introduced her to yoga and the break up from that. She then goes to Italy for 4 months, India for 4 months and Bali for 4 months. In Italy she divulges in her love for all things Italian - the food and the language. In India she learns discipline and how to reach her inner self and finally in Bali she learns to love herself and well, I'm sure you guessed this part and to allow someone else to fall in love with her. 
This book is an amazing pick me up, only slight downfall, and I mean slight is that it makes me want to pack up and travel which sadly isn't on the cards. I recently lent this to a friend from a bad break up for inspiration that no matter how hard life is you need to learn to love yourself and appreciate and go for what you want before you can let someone else in and let them truly love you. She hasn't finished the book it has 108 'chapters' before you gasp and think that's a lot they aren't big chapters. I also really love how she matched this to the 108 mala beads. Oh - slightly off track there, she hasn't finished the book but texted me and told me she was sobbing on the train because it was so relatable to her. 
You should also watch her Ted talk Elizabeth is such an inspiring and refreshing person and if you hadn't read this book? go and get it! 
If you have read it tell me what you think!
Ciao x
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  1. I'm going to go read this book now ! :D

  2. Haven't got around to reading this one! Definitely will now :)


    1. it's absolutely worth it!! let me know what you think! x
