
I'm in the process of looking for a new place to live and this means I need to plan my ideal home....naturally I headed over to pinterest for some inspiration. ( and also gh0stparties because I am borderline obsessed with her house...) 
Here are some pins that have really inspired me from my home inspiration board
I've already picked out our sofa's, tables, tv stand, throw and bar cart! Still some accesories and extras to go! Obviously this is going to be quite pricey so I am aiming to get the house decorated over several months. So....check back in a few months time to see how I got on! 
What has been inspiring you? Where is your favourite place for home buys?
Ciao x
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  1. I could easily live with you, haha! <3 Love everything! xx

    1. omggg imagine all the rupauls we could watch! ahahaha! x

  2. Love it!!

    I have developed a liking for pastels and golds!


    1. There is something about grey pastels and copper or rose gold I am obsessed with! even normal gold! As you can clearly see! haha! x

  3. Your design is very similar to my nieces home. I really love what you did when designing though. I think this post is helpful, especially for girls going away to college. Will pass this on to my daughter as she's moving on to college soon and may enjoy some ideas for her dorm suite.

    Hayden Farley @ Malibu Real Estate Agents
