Recipe: Sweet potato & Kale egg bake

Ingredients: ( Serves 1)
1 sweet potato
1/2  tin mixed beans ( I would maybe recommend just kidney beans as some of the smaller ones did get a little hard in the oven - still tasty!)
1 - tin(or box?) chopped tomatoes ( with herbs to add more flavour!)
2 handfuls of Kale
1 eggs
Coconut Oil ( or normal oil if you don't have this)
You could even add like butternut squash, all sorts!
Step 1: Wash your beans and put them on to boil & boil them for 4 minutes ( check what the tin says!)
Step 2: peel and cut your sweet potato into little cubes and microwave for 4 minutes.
Step 3: Chop up your Kale and fry then add the chopped tomatoes once cooked. 
Step 4: Mix the sweet potato, kale, tomatoes and beans together, add some paprika ( and any other herbs) 
Step 5: pour into your round casserole and then make a hole in the top
Step 6: Whack your oven on gas mark 6, crack your egg into the hole and put in the oven for around 15-17 minutes.
Et voila a tasty egg bake! 
Let me know if you try this! 
Ciao x
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  1. You're so talented miss! I'm a MESS in the kitchen hahaha!
    Jem xx

    1. trust me this was so easy! I have a few more ambitious recipes to try! x

  2. Looks delicious!

    P.s have you entered my #geekgirl giveaway?

  3. This looks so yummy! I'll need to try this out soon!
    I really like your blog so I nominated you for a liebster award!
    Check out my post -
    Sarah x

    1. Let me know if you try it! Thank you so much for the nomination that's so sweet, I have actually done this a few times :) x
