Book: S.J Watson - before I go to sleep

book review SJ watson before I go to sleep
Okay, I know, I am super late on the bandwagon with this one. I've wanted to read this book for ages and honestly I'm not sure why I never picked it up but a holiday is always the perfect time to get a new read or two!(or five in my case..). I'm kinda obsessed with crime thrillers at the moment!
The story is essentially about Christine who wakes up everyday and has forgotten everything from the day before. There's little hints right from the beginning that something isn't right, should she trust her husband? I'll admit throughout this book I was right along with her like ' don't trust him!!!.... maybe he's alright...NO! ...then maybe he isn't the bad guy here'. The book unfolds in a really capturing way that makes you want to understand what the heck is happening to Christine. You really feel for her Christine is really vocal about all her emotions and thoughts and I found her character really relatable. 
The only thing that kinda irked me was that the book is supposed to be written as if it's her journal entries but the way it is written it's not really like a journal entry....if that makes any sense. And for someone with such poor memory how can she remember the exact words someone said earlier?! I sure couldn't! If you ignore that minor fact ( and it is only minor because I do really like the way she has written it, it just didn't feel like a journal entry to me..) this is a really great book! Overall? 9/10! 
I'm thinking about watching the movie now, has anyone seen it? is it worth it? 
Ciao x
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I loved the plot of this book but I agree, it wasn't written as journal entries :( However, still a great read!

    Pop over to my blog!


  3. I looooved this book AND the movie! A good 8/10 maybe 8.5 from me :) x

  4. Yeah I loved this book too. I guess you just have to let the author have a bit of license with the whole journal thing - but I agree it's a little annoying!
