Review: eat nourish glow - Amelia Freer

Picture taken from Google.

This year I really wanted to get my healthy eating in order and improve my health and fitness, which you may have caught glimpses of.... although I haven't yet got my own kitchen to fully be able to do this. I decided in order to prepare myself I needed further education on nutrition and some more healthy recipes in my life!
This is about not treating your body like a dust-bin and listening to yourself and what works for you so that you can feel great. Naturally if you are going to fill your body with the right things you are also going to loose weight - added bonus! She explains what to have in your cupboards, how to start cutting out those bad things like gluten and dairy, explains the good fats and why we need to reduce sugar as much as we can. 

This book is jam-packed with tips and Amelia has a really great way of explaining nutrition to you, like a friend talking to you. Initially when I opened it and saw how small the recipe section was, I was a little disappointed but after reading the book I was pleasantly surprised to find recipes throughout the chapters! Whilst some of this I did know ( especially after reading - I quit sugar) I still found this book really valuable and educational and I feel really inspired to start my healthy journey.

I have created a new instagram to help me on my journey: healthy_lauzb - I'll be posting a lot of recipes and progress, there is soemthing about logging it for the world to see that helps with motivation! :)  .... This is most likely going to start end of May when I'm back!

Ciao x
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1 comment

  1. Wow, sounds great, best of luck with your healthy regime!

    It would be great if you could pop over to my blog and maybe leave a comment :)

