Book: Nele Neuhaus - Big Bad Wolf

I love Nele Neuhaus's style of writing, guaranteed this book is actually translated from German she has a way of hooking you in for more. This is a kind of sequel to her first book ' Snow white must die' what I mean is the entire story itself is separate but the cops solving the case were in the previous book and sometimes refer to some events in that book - you don't really need to read the other book to read this though. I was so hooked on this book when I came back in from Lost and Found ( read about that here) at like 4am I would sit up reading this for another hour!
She doesn't pick her topics lightly the book is essentially about child molestation in Germany and starts off with a dead body being found of a young girl who had been sexually abused. When you think you have this book sussed out she throws in another plot twist. The book has a few different plots and characters that run along side together and throughout the book start to intertwine and like I said you think you know whose who and whose the baddies and what's happened but you just have no idea sometimes. She kinda drops little hints here or there. If you're not shy of these kinda topics I definitely recommend this book, she has a new one out in hardback so I'll wait for the paperback copy and get that ASAP. I wish more of her books were translated over because I think there are around 7 books in this series in German and I just want to read them all! 

Have you read this? Or 'Snow White must die' ? What did you think? 
I'm still quite new at book reviews so if you have any tips let me know! :)

Ciao x
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1 comment

  1. This sounds like a really gritty story! I enjoy crime thrillers so this will be definitely added to my TBR! Thanks for sharing :)

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