Witch - Overnight serum

skincare review witch overnight spot clearing serum
When I opened my goody bag from the meet up and saw this first I was so excited. I had been looking for something new to put on my skin at night so it was kinda like fate.
When I first tried this I had a massive chin spot, you know those hanging under the skin ones? maybe it's grim but I hate them so much I claw at my skin till it's gone and a horrible big scab is left in place. I kinda felt like I was well and truly putting this to the test as it's supposed to visibly reduce spots - I am the only one who never believes that?
Anyway so I put this on, it smells like witch hazel if you've ever tried their products before, I rather enjoy it.... anyway... I put like a 5p amount in my fingers and rubbed on my face and I could feel it working straight away. It wasn't a stinging sensation but I could feel it doing it's magic in particular on my chin spot. I felt like I had put too much on and was worried about it sitting on my face but within moments my skin had drunk it in and there was no oily feeling of product on my face. Woke up the next day and I will admit, my spot was visibly smaller. I couldn't believe it! I use this every night now and I really do recommend it! It's absolutely going to become a staple of mine.
Have you tried this? what are you favourite overnight serum?
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1 comment

  1. Really want to try this as I have heard a lot of good reviews about it!

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