Recipe - sweet potato + spinach Mac and cheese

Yay it's a new recipe! This has just been tried and tested by myself and it is YUM. Guaranteed this was winged a little bit.....Also you can expect to see one common thing in most of my recipes - Sweet potato, not only is it much healthier I just can't get enough of it! ( Hello sweet potato fries!) 

Bloody macro lens!!
As I said I absolutely winged this recipe so I think in the future I will do a much more updated and improved version but I still really liked this so I wanted to put it up anyway! I was inspired by this recipe by Naturally Ella but I am really bad at adding flour to recipes so wanted to take this out and had the idea of using Mascarpone instead but when I was at the supermarket I saw Garlic and herb philly and thought that would be better since I was going to add garlic and herbs anyway - no brainer right!? 
First off Ingredients! ( I made enough for 3-4 portions. )
2 - sweet potatos
250g grated cheddar( I bought this already grated) 
Garlic and Herb philadelphia ( the small pack.... and I used just under 3/4 of it)
Just over half a pack of spinach.
Lucy Bee coconut oil ( standard!) 
Pasta ( shape of your choice, I'm obsessed with the swirly one at the moment!)
1. peel and cut your sweet potato and then chuck it in the microwave for 8-9 minutes.
2. Boil some water and chuck your pasta in and cook till it's al dente, 
3. chop up your spinach chuck in some lucy bee and then fry your spinach to soften it. 
4. Now this is the step I would change, I mashed my sweet potato but if you can puree it instead. The easiest way to describe it is that I had a kinda brownie mix texture instead of a sauce to pour over the pasta. 
5. once your spinach has softened mix in the philly. because I was making a pretty big amount I used just over half the packet. 
6. mix in your sweet potato with the spinach and philly.
7. because my mix was quite solid I then put half the pasta in the ceramic and then poured some cheese over it and then spread this mix over the top and then did this one more time to use up all the pasta and mix and then sprinkled the remaining cheddar on top.
8. cook it in the oven on around Gas Mark 5 for around 8-10 minutes( really just until the cheese has melted) 
9 EAT. 
It's such a simple recipe, like my other one it's pretty cheap to make, I'm not sure how healthy it is with all that cheddar on it but I think next time I would swap the cheddar out for something like Mozzarella or Halloumi maybe? 
if you guys try this or mix it up with other cheese or veg let me know! :) 
Ciao x
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  1. I love sweet potato and mac & cheese so will definitely be trying this out! Just bookmarked the page so I can come back to it :D

    Rebecca Coco

  2. This looks delicious! Going to have to add this to my 'to try' list but will need to find an alternative to the cheese (due to allergies!)

    Pop up over to my blog and see what I'm upto :)


  3. This looks so so so delicious! I'll have to try it this weekend :3
    xo, Jessie
