My blogging goals

Following on from the #lblogger chat the other day everyone was talking about their blogging goals. Now I do have blogging goals but I try not to take them too seriously because I used to get quite bogged down when I felt like my blog wasn't really going anywhere and I was putting my all into it. 
I've got loads of ideas for posts I'm just trying to work around the fact my 18-55mm lens broke as a macro can only do so much. ( It really hates trying to take a picture of my face...) anyway.... here's a few of my goals!
1) Get my fashion blog running again! - yeah soz about that, it's real hard getting someone to take pictures you know? Plus life went a bit mental, I promise I will be picking this back up in June!!
2) Reach 500 bloglovin followers by the end of the year, - this may be overly optimistic but I won't cry if I don't get it. ( okay maybe a little... )
3) Get 500 youtube followers, funny thing about this is I actually need to make videos... which leads me onto
4) Film at least 15 youtube videos, I've had so many idea's for over a year so this summer I really want to go about making quite a few of them, I want to spend more time filming and trying out different styles!
5) Reach 50,000 views by the end of the year, I think this will be the most realistic of them all. Would be nice if you all came back you know :) 
6) Get my writing style down. I read some blogs and their writing is SO good, It feels like they are talking to you and you can see their personality come through and I want to get to this point! 
I also really need to start scheduling tweets more, as I was chatting to someone, it's just so tedious. But. it does need to be done. :( I have a few other idea's about featuring more blogs on here and twitter again it's something I started to do and just stopped and I really don't know why so more blogger interaction coming up in June too! 
What are your blogging goals? 
Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)
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  1. I missed this lbloggers chat :(! Sounds like you're on the right track though! Buffer is good for scheduling tweets, a little more reliable than tweetdeck :). Good luck on reaching your blogging goals!!


    1. it was a really good chat! hopefully they will bring the topic around soon! :) I've never tried buffer! - infact I've never even heard of it! I'll have to have a look - thank you! x

  2. I enjoy writing blogging goals as it gives me some sort of perspective of what I want to achieve through it and I agree, I also really need to work on my writing style!!

    Pop over to my blog :)


    1. Yeah I really had fun looking at my goals, I wrote some at the start of the year and already hit a few. I'm just taking them with a pinch of salt but if I hit them that would be amazing! :) x
