Book review: the truth about the Harry Quebert Affair - Joel Dicker

' if you're not brave enough to run in the rain, you'll certainly never be brave enough to write a book'

I really didn't expect to love this book as much as I did, it has a great storyline and it's written in an interesting way, in a way the book is almost written backwards in the sense the chapters are counting down and the table of contents is at the back. 

Each chapter starts with Marcus Goldman's tutor Harry Quebert giving him a writers tip from when he is initially teaching Marcus how to write.(the line at the top was one of my favourite lines from the book and was one of the tips) In a way Dicker followers the advice Harry gives Marcus during the book.

 The story follows Marcus as he gets severe writers block and goes to Harry's house for inspiration and advice, it's here he stumbles upon an old box with a photo of a girl Harry was in love with. It then goes on to the body of this girl being dug up from Harry's garden with his original manuscript of the book that made him famous. 

Marcus firmly believes Harry is innocent and we follow him as he attempts to prove this and someone clearly doesn't want him to. The story is told so well and there are some shocking twists that come out even when you think it's all been solved. If you like a good murder mystery I guarantee you will love this! 

Each character is well written and you get a good background to Marcus's drive and I find him a really interesting character in the sense that he purposefully stages himself to look better and ends up getting the nickname ' Marcus the magnificent'. His mum is an absolute psychopath and provides a little bit of comedy value to the book as well. The book flowed consistently and proved a great read! Score wise? hmm 9/10

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1 comment

  1. This sounds great and very interesting in the way it is written! Thank you for a great review :)

