The best mascara ever?

benefit rollerlash mascara beauty review
For a while now I had been looking for a new mascara, I'm not big on Mascara and I've only every really owned the falsh lash effect one but I kept finding it was clumpy and if I wore contacts it would sometimes irritate my eyes. I was umming an aahing between the rollerlash or too faced's ' better than sex' mascara as both were getting raving reviews, knowing I could get this cheaper at the airport ( thanks VAT free prices!) I went for rollerlash.
I'll be honest, this deserves all the cred it's getting, the wand is really small and thin which makes it perfect for lower lashes too. It's got like a curve in one side and even has tips for which parts of the brush to use to get different effects. When I used this, wow, every lash was separated and I mean every lash. I found pretty much no clumping, only when I ran the wand through several times did an occasional clump happen and it wasn't even that bad. I also felt like my eyelashes looked longer too, so it kinda looked like I had my Tanya Burr falsies in. 
Downside? There isn't really any, I did find my eyes irritated a little but a lot less than with the false lash effect, also this doesn't smudge half as much as the falsh lash - bonus! Apart from that I'm really loving this at the moment!
What do you guys think of it? 
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  1. It sounds awesome. Love the packaging, too. I think your blog name is adorable by the way, what does this strawberry tattoo look like? hehe! X

    1. It's honestly so good!! I love the pink and black packaging too! :) It looks just like the strawberry in the title above! ahaha, ( it's from a movie called across the universe! ) x

  2. I like the idea of a curved wand - might have to have a look for it!

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