Nyx soft matte lip creams - Abu Dhabi & Copenhagen

I'm obsessed with matte lip creams, after getting my red one from Sephora I just chose to wear it whenever I reached for a red & also they are perfect for festivals or hot country's so you don't have to worry about them melting. As we don't have a Sephora here I needed to find an alternative. I think I first saw these when I was having a cheeky browse on Instagram and found there was one called Abu Dhabi. If you didn't know that's where I grew up and I knew I just had to buy it because that's what it was called! I know you shouldn't do that but OH WELL. I DID. and it turns out it was the best decision ever. 
I didn't think it was going to suit me after looking online at swatches but it is the PERFECT shade for me. It literally matches my lips exactly ( insert the my lips but better she-bang here) and I also selected Copenhagen as it was a stunning berry shade and we all love a good berry shade for winter! 
These lip creams are so soft and buttery, they feel nice and hydrating on the lips and take hardly any time to dry out and settle on your lips. The colour spreads really well and evenly. I was a bit worried about copenhagen as berry shades can come out really patchy on my lips, at first I thought it did look quite patchy but once it dried and settled it really evened out and looked great! 
these are priced at £5.50 which is an absolute BARGAIN, I think I will have to stock up on Abu Dhabi and I am debating trying Stockholm or Cannes as well!!
Have you guys tried any of these? Which shades do you recommend? 
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