When it's okay to smell like wet dog

I love lush, I do... and I do love this product - there is just one thing...the smell. It smells like wet dog...a spicy wet dog. And that's okay... to smell like a wet dog for a few minutes while you cleanse your face. The other day I spoke about cleansing your face with a cleansing brush so I wanted a good cleanser to go with it. A lot of people had talked about Clinique but at £20 a go and a holiday to save for I just couldn't do it. At the last blogger meet up we were kindly given little samples from lush and this was one of them. I felt the sample didn't do the product justice so decided to get the full large sized product. Smell aside this is a really great product and to be fair the smell isn't that bad, I feel like once you recognise the smell though there is no going back... so...SORRY if it never hit you before and now all you smell is wet dog. 

It's got a thick consistency kinda like wax and does feel oily when you put it on but my skin doesn't feel oily at all after using this. It feels really smooth and fresh and the smell doesn't linger I promise! Though this teams perfectly with the cleansing brush you will need a damp cloth to get it off completely, when I first tried without it, due to the oils I found it difficult to feel like I had gotten it all off and was scrubbing for some time. The pot is around just under £6 and has lasted quite some time so it's definitely good value for money. Would I repurchase? Yes! - Unless someone can recommend a nicer smelling good value cleanser then I may reconsider! x

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1 comment

  1. I love this cleanser! I know what you mean about the smell though haha :) x
