When you thought your favourite lush product couldn't get any better....

I don't think I am the only one here when I say that the comforter bath bomb is my all time favourite. It smells amazing, produces ridiculous amounts of bubbles for  me to enjoy. When I went to Lush in June I HAD TO get the shower gel version, how could I not?! 
And let me tell you. ITS AMAZING. It smells just as delicious as the bath bomb with subtle glittery bits in it. It's the perfect little pick me up after a long day.
My only downside is I do think it's a little pricey? maybe thats just me? I can't remember how much this bottle was I think £9-10? I really wanted to get more but it just would have been too expensive, they had a mega bottle for £30 which is insane. it was HUGE. I've used this so much I've nearly used half the bottle I love it that much so I will definitely be repurchasing no matter what the cost but may get it as a treat every now and again. This was a Oxford street purchase but I think I've heard the liverpool one is getting it - fingers crossed otherwise I may have to frequent London more than I planned to. 
have you tried this? 
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