A Charlotte Tilbury nude you need in your life

charlotte tilbury matte revolution norma parkinson miss kensington
Safe to say my nude obsession is still going strong, after lusting after Bitch Perfect for so long another CT nude popped up and caught my attention.... CT's Miss Kensington. I Umm'd and Ahh'd about this because I looked at loads of different swatches to figure out how it may look on me. Easiest thing to do? try it on in store!! I'm sure you've guessed the rest of the story I bought it straight away and it was everlasting love there onwards.
This is a fantastic nude and I feel the colour does adapt to the colour of your lips. It's a subtle pinky nude and looks really natural on the lips which I have to be careful of having fatter than average lips. As per all CT products the quality is amazing and this is soft and moisturising. It has a good colour stay but I do find I have to reapply but this is probably another downfall of fat lips as it's more obvious when the colour starts to fade. At £23 I think it's worth spending that little bit more to get and as it's limited edition I would recommend snapping one up fast!
Ciao x 
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1 comment

  1. I need a Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in my life. They are so pretty. Also this looks like a gorgeous colour
    Beth x
    Mermaid in Disguise
