whitening your teeth naturally

cocowhite natural teeth whitening mint flavour
Whitening my teeth is something I have wanted to do for such a long time as years of fizzy drinks has definitely taken its toll. I just wasn't sure how to go about it, I had seen heaps of home kits and heard about people to go and see but I just wasn't sold. 
I came across cocowhite on instagram and bought the packet the next day, natural whitening? Yes please! I was worried about the horror stories of making your teeth incredibly sensitive and all the chemicals that could potentially be making them worse off and eroding the natural enamel. Cocowhite uses a technique called oil pulling, you pretty much just swish it around your mouth for 5-15 minutes and it helps bring out all the bad plaque.
At £20 for a two week pack I thought it was pretty bargainous as I had seen other packs for around £60. It also has 3 flavours a vanilla, mint and also a lemony one, I got the mint as I thought it would be a little bit weird to use vanilla right before brushing my teeth and I'm not a lemony fan. 
As this is coconut oil this does solidify quite easily so you can either accept that or try to heat it up in your hands. I was worried about shoving this in and gagging a little as you can't swallow so I kinda just shove it to the side and slosh it around until it's all dissolved. I try to do this for 10-12 minutes and then brush my teeth and use a mouthwash after. It actually tastes really nice and it's super easy to use. I haven't regularily used it so maybe I would have had more of a difference in shade if I had but I have noticed my teeth have gone whiter and the colour is more even so I do think I will be picking this up again and trying to use it every couple of months to keep on top of my teeth whitening. 
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