Interview 1 - Jemma at Dorkface

Me and Jemma have been buddies for quite a few years now ( Fun fact - we met in our first year of university!). Whilst Jemma may not have lasted the full 3 years at uni we have always stayed in contact - this includes a rather hilarious trip to Benidorm. Over the past few months I've seen Jemma grow with her blog and even in herself and I'm so proud of where she is at at the moment so it seemed kinda natural that I would go to her for my first blogger interview! 

1. Can you give us an overview of your job? and how did you get into it? 
Wellllllll to tell the truth I just officially left my job. It was a digital assistant position for an online management company, which meant I got into social media management and I loved it. I got this by applying for an apprenticeship, and was very lucky to be offered a full time position when they seen my blog, and my passion for the field of work. Unfortunately a lot of my time began getting taken up by managing clients, and basically doing customer service, which I hated. So I decided to take a risk, quit my job, and do it for myself. Right now Im doing freelance social media management for two small businesses, designing headers, logos, doing custom artwork for people (mostly bloggers) and I've just got a part time retail job to cover the bills. I hate retail, but it means I now only have to work 2 days a week, and Im making money from my freelance work! I'm so much happier. Hopefully I'll be able to go fully self employed this year.

2. How did you balance blogging and full time work? And is it any different now working for yourself and still blogging?Oh god I DON'T KNOW. Haha. But in a weird way.. I was putting out about 5/6 posts a week even working full time, and these days I'm doing like 3 or 4 a week. So I've actually gone down a bit, but that's because Im now concentrating on social media for my clients, and doing custom design orders for people too. When working FT I jotted ideas down for posts in the day, wrote out some of an evening, and then at the weekend I'd take all my photographs at once! Haha. These days I spend as much time as possible balancing blogging, designs, social media and my life! I do treat it like a job, but I have to if I want it to BE my job.

3. Do you set a certain amount of time for blogging?

Not really, but at least an hour a day is my usual.

4. What do you do to unwind?

Watch Pretty Little Liars, play on my DS, read, hang out with Gary :) Oh, and hang out with other bloggers! Haha, that's happening more and more these days.

5.  What are you most grateful for? 

To be in a position where I can go for my dreams, and to have the support of other people!

6. What's the hardest thing about blogging?

Sometimes keeping up. Especially if a company send out a product for review and it has to be published within a week or two. But I wouldn't even moan much about anything with blogging; It's awesome!

7. What's your favourite thing about blogging?

Making new friends! I've met so many awesome people because of it. And also being creative! 2014/2015 has seen me produce the most artwork, photography, writing than ever before.

8. Tell us a random fact about yourself!

I have trypophobia, I drink way too many Monster energy drinks and I have a serious love for The Moomins.

9. Lastly, any extra advice you can offer?

Be yourself! Yes it sounds cliche but ommmmgggg do you realise how many extra followers I get or how much people talk to me on Twitter when I'm just goofing around? No one likes a serious face all the time. Chat, get to know people, be silly and share your hobbies! You'll find others just like you and will seem more genuine online then :)

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and if you haven't already seen her blog you can catch her here 

 I'm hoping to ask a few more bloggers and make this a regular thing, maybe once a month? 

Ciao x
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  1. EEEEEEEEEEEP Thank yoooou!!! xxx

  2. I love Jemma's blog and she's such a fun person!! :)

    Pop over to my blog :)

