My festival tips.

Since festival season is coming up ( have I mentioned this?...)  I thought I would share a couple of tips. 
1) pot noodles - This may sound random but if you are festivalling on a budget get some cheap pot noodles and just pay a pound for hot water at any of the coffee places.  Also pringles will be your best friends.
2) DO NOT wear a playsuit - okay so this may sound even more random then the first tip but...hear me out okay? I'll tell you TWO reasons why playsuits and festivals are a no go. 1- you will be queueing for a toilet, I tell you, 80% chance you will have to queue which may or may not ( depending on your bladder) leave you doing a little wee dance and then... a miracle - a loo! and you have to spend the next 5 minutes doing a wee dance while trying to get yourself out of said playsuit. it's not fun. My next reason also depends on the festival your going to, how long it's been going on for and how often they clean the toilets. Sounds grim? you have no idea. Toilets at festivals can get into some absolute states ( for all of your sakes I won't go into this) but lets be honest you don't really want to touch any part of this toilet let along having to hold all your outfit so it doesn't touch anything either, it's just awkward....and your testing fate. If you insist on a playsuit I'd recommend risking it on the first day when toilets are at their cleanest. 
3) Caprisuns. Okay, so all of these are starting to sound pretty random... but if you are wearing items of loose clothing there is potential to sneak in some booze. Empty out a screw cap caprisun and fill it with your drink of choice and ladies don't forget to find a male security guard, most of the time they aren't allowed to touch you up and check for things. ( I say most of the time)
4) Wine bags. Another option is to belt a wine bag to yourself..... make sure you are wearing a baggy dress and something like a raincoat over the top. 
5) ALWAYS make sure you have tissue, take some small packets of tissues, if you've forgotten just steal some from the toilet first time you go because chances are you ain't gonna see any again! And don't forget the sanitiser! 
6) got a long walk from the car to the festival? See if you and your mates can invest in a cart or a sled to help drag all those heavy items. 
7) use clothes as a pillow. it can get chilly at night so always take a jumper just incase, at night you can wrap some clothes up in a small laundry bag and use this as a pillow if you don't have the space or arms to bring one with you. 
8) okay so this isn't nessecarily one of my tips but last year after Glastonbury a friend of mine booked in a spa nearby overnight on the day the festival ended. So 1) she didn't have to do the long drive straight away and 2) she got a back massage which is perfect after going a week without your bed! I am absolutely stealing this tip
hope some of these help! 
Let me know your little tips!
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1 comment

  1. I've never been to a festival and sometimes I don't think I'd ever want to but then I also want to experience it so who knows?! The last tip sounds ace :)

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