The perfect way to end a week?

I've been slacking... I know, I've been very painting motivated lately so the blog has kinda fallen by the wayside(?). It also doesn't help that I changed cards and haven't updated my photoshop subscription and now I don't have it -oops expect poorly edited photos!!
Last week I decided to test out my Lush yoga bomb as I had had a little bit of stress going on and apparently 15 minutes of the yoga bomb is the same as 3 hours of yoga..... nooooot quite sure how true that is but I'll take lying in a bath over downward facing dog any day. 
This bath bomb has a really nice refreshing and uplifting smell which I found quite energizing, it had a lot of glitter which I didn't expect it also randomly started producing purples and other colours which was exciting! I'm always a bit apprehensive about glitter in the bath bombs but it didn't stick to me at all which is great but then you do have the afterbath ( aftermath...see what I did there?) of glitter ALL OVER YOUR TUB. So after you are all nice and relaxed you then gotta do some cleaning up - not quite the dream there but I will let it slide....aaaanyway a lovely lush bath with Rudimental's new album playing was just the perfect way to end the week off, I'm seriously loving this album and it's feel good vibes so the two together are a dream, I just feel a bit sorry for my neighbours who may or may not have heard my screechy cat voice singing along. Oh well, swings and roundabouts. 
What's your favourite Lush bath bomb? What music do you play to compliment it?
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  1. I nearly bought this yesterday but I wasn't too sure on the smell! I went for intergalactic, I'm obsessed with mint. xxxx

  2. OOOHHH I wanna try this one!! I literally adore trying every single product though haha. I love the glittery ones, I dont even mind the aftermath haha. I jus wanna sparkle!! xx
