5 things I couldn't live without

We all have those things in life that make it just that little bit better so here's 5 things I couldn't live without.
1. My cat Harry, okay... so this may sound super lame but I am an absolute cat lady. If I didn't have this little ball of fur harassing me for fuss or food all day then I would most likely go a bit mad.
2. Eyeliner, when people get asked what they want to take to a desert island in those magazine things I always read mascara and I'm like...hello!?!... eyeliner!! I can't go without it, it just makes my face that little more acceptable. One day I was a bit tired ( I say a bit but...) and I thought oh you know I don't look so bad without eyeliner and went to work and at around 12 o'clock I realised my mistake and safe to say that never happened again. 
3. My bike, okay so technically I have lived without this for the last 4 months while it needed to get fixed but having to get the bus to work has been so draining. I feel like when I can drive myself to work or town I have a whole new lease on life! 
4. Music, this is probably there for everyone let's be honest but going to gigs and festivals makes the days go that little bit quicker and that little easier to bear ( and who doesn't feel better when they dance like a right dick to Taylor Swift?....) 
5. Friends. I couldn't live without these guys - they have gotten me through some pretty tough times. I'm not bragging but I have some pretty awesome friends! 
What's some of the things you can't live without?!
Ciao x
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  1. Aww haha I feel the same way about my dog. I'm such an animal person I would find it weird not to live with one! x


  2. If you would have asked me a year ago, I would say the same about my kitty but unfortunately it passed away :(

    Pop over to my blog :)


    1. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that :( my cat bruce passed away last august and it was devastating :( x

  3. I feel the same about music and my dog!
