Resolutions. Hello 2015


Every year I am one of those people that sets new resolutions and never completes them( I don't feel too bad because I know I'm not the only one...). Although I didn't really complete a lot of my resolutions this past year I feel like I have made such a step forward in my life. It's been a hard year for me but whatever life has thrown at me I have pushed through and I think finally grasped what kind of person I want to be and how I can finally achieve it.

Everyone says this year is my year and I think 2014 has given me a really good step to make 2015 the best year yet!

Last year some of my resolutions were:
1) go somewhere new - I went to prague and I do also want to count glastonbury here.
2) learn a new language - I have started to properly learn Italian.
3) Get better at making plans with friends, I have kinda gotten better at this!
4) the usual - loose weight be healthy, now I may not have the millie mackintosh toned figure I would like, I have lost some weight( and maybe put some back on....bloody pizza!) and I am proud of myself for that and I have proved to myself it is possible with a bit of determination.
5) Actively sell artwork... I haven't really done this, infact I haven't really kicked off my art career which I am gutted about but I understand why I haven't and I'm not beating myself up about it, my whole art vision changed this year and I have made plans this year for the paintings I do want to do.
6) sort my money out - definitely did NOT do this! Oops.
7) quit my job and start my fashion line. I made some good steps toward my fashion line but I am a perfectionist and money also pushed me back. ( plus my sewing machine broke) but I'm fixing it in january plus getting another sewing machine and I have some money ready to print shirts and I am confident that I will get the label started next year even if I don't leave my job and its just a few designs.
8) build an impressive disney collection. I was so sad when I saw this cheeky resolution there because I haven't bought ANY disney dvds this year. what is my life!?

So 2015 resolutions? I won't go into all of them but here are a few:
1) Tone up, I want to look strong and healthy! ( plus I have a beach festival in April and I don't want to feel uncomfortable like I do now)
2) Start my clothing line. ( Keep your eyes peeled in January because I am going to need all the support I can get!)
3) Go somewhere new ( this is kinda default because I am already going somewhere new.... so maybe somewhere else new I haven't already planned....)
4) sort out my money problems.( having bills AND a shopping addiction AND a creative soul does not go well with the bank)
5) Start painting properly. ( I have half a sketchbook of ideas and at least 5 names for exhibitions...)
6) Start my second blog( you can view it here - I decided to split into two separate blogs one for beauty and one for style, this blog may be slow in January but I want to get it to the same calibre as this blog) and work harder at both blogs, I felt I learnt to be more organised and got much better at running my blog this year but I have so many visions and dreams for both blogs I know they can be so much more and that's what I want to accomplish next year.
6b) A second part to this is to be more sociable ( blog wise) I didn't really do blogging chats initially and it has been such a boost doing them, you are all so lovely, and I do still miss them at times but I want to set some time out a few hours once a week to read everyones posts and really appreciate the hard work everyone puts into their blogs and make some new friends.
7) get a new tattoo: I have so many I want but I really want to start getting my legs done up next year.
8) Be happy. be positive and help inspire and influence others. After such a negative year all I want is positivity and to send this to others.

Ultimately I have a vision for myself and next year I AM going to achieve it, Have you ever seen someone and their look, whether its hair, make up, clothes, tattoos, mannerisms, personality - they just seem to fit themselves? I get so jealous when I see people like that just so comfortable/ready to show the world who they are, I want to project out who I am as a person -  Maybe what I may do is like a monthly picture or something like a diary of what I have done to move forward to this vision or and end of year post like a before and after - What do you think? Pinterest is where most of my idea's are.

Anyway, I wish you all the best for your resolutions and years.

Most importantly for 2015: Fall in love with yourself.

Ciao x
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  1. Laura I love this post! Because I can totally, 1000% relate to your last thoughts there - about seeing someone SO put together in their own identity, whatever it may be. Even if it's not what I want I alqays envy people like that, and I aim for it myself too!

    Also I am totally stealing 7/8 resolutions for myself :P

    Jem xx

    1. I knoow! This girl at yoga once looked so put together I was like wow! She had such a cool look and stance(I can't think of the word right now?)!
      ahahaha definitely steal them! I am starting my leg pieces this year if it kills me! ( still think we need to take kay for a cheeky one! haha x
