Beauty: Review - Lush Reindeer Rock

The best thing about christmas is all the special christmas smelling goodies you can get. The worst thing? not being able to afford them all. I was umming and aahing about buying this because it was the only thing from the range that really caught my eye ( and nose...) as it smells like my favourite bar the comforter. Anyway when I got home I found I hadn't left myself any shower gel or soap as expected.... and I just so happened to pass a lush store... if that's not fate I don't know what is.

this smells amazing, so much berry goodness and when I unravelled it in my bathroom, the whole room smelt delicious. When I wet the bar to use it I found the smell became more muted which is a relief as I may have smelt a little overwhelming for some people. 

I don't really need to go into the logistics on how to use a bar of soap, it does what it does, lathers well and smells great so I happily recommend this, its nice, fresh and uplifting. I'm not sure how much this retails at in the UK out here its 36dhs for 100kg so price will vary dependant on how much you buy. I think its like £3 something. anyway I am definitely getting more of this before christmas is over!

What were your favourite christmas products?

This is me until christmas now, so MERRY CHRISTMAS and see you in the new year. 

Ciao x
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1 comment

  1. I haven't seen this one in my local Lush but maybe it just hasn't jumped out at me amongst the fizzing, whizzing and sparkling bath bombs! Definitely going to try this when I next go into one... Lucy, xx
