100 post!

I wasn't sure how to celebrate my 100th post! I feel like it is quite a milestone!
So I just wanted to say a thank you to anyone who visits this little blog of mine!
{EDIT} - just stumbled upon this little questionnaie by twothirdshazel so thought it would be cute to complete if you do this as well please let me know! - excuse my bad handwriting!

 I know I have been a little absent this month I have had to face quite a lot of challenges and I have felt quite emotionally drained and it wasn't something I wanted to bring into my blog. As always I am powering through and with the added bonus of a new job ( in my same company) some grasses are slightly greener on my side.

I am thinking about doing more daily lifestyle posts? Maybe cafe reviews things like that? I am still undecided what do you think? in terms of style posts I did want to get a lot more done but I feel I am in a really in-between phase with my body and the time just isn't right now.  I am also selling half my wardrobe on depop ( @lauzofarabia) as I really want to progress my style and I don't think my current wardrobe expresses me very well it's such a mash up of  old clothes.

I am working on a lot of different things I have so many idea's I can't wait for the day I get to start them all and share them with you!

Here's to the next 100 posts and all the ones after :)

Ciao x

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