
so a little late update,as I got food poisoning on the last night, Sods law that isn't it? At least it's post holiday and not during the holiday!
Apart from that I loved it!! The hotel was gorgeous, food was good and staff we so friendly, it was a little daunting being 3 girls though, we did get preyed on quite a bit! the hotel was Sunrise holidays resort and I would recommend it to everyone!!! There was so much going on with the animation team ( we did get conned into aqua gym a lot!! )

Here's two quickies of my on holiday! cocktails in the pool - all you need! and me completing my arab status by finally riding a camel!!
Sorry this is a short one, but I am dying dears.

Ciao x


Eeek! Tomorrow is the day!! I will for one week be jobless, internetless away from computers free to just chill out and have a good time with my mates and reaaaaaaaaaaaad while enjoying the sun.

I've picked a few crime-y themed novels, it wasn't intentional it just happened! Well I did say how much I loved ' Gone girl ' by Gillian Flynn I just had to read more!!
If you have read any of these books let me know what you think!!

Does everyone find packing ridiculously hard? 15KG is SOOO tight! I'm pretty sure I've gone over that and I've packed the bare minimum :( Packing to go home is so easy cause it doesn't matter if I forget anything!! and even then I can go up to 30 KG on etihad :(
Good news as well is my physio gave me the all clear to start running again! I'm so stoked about this!! so when I get back its back to the yoga lounge and back on the running!! I've got a lot going on early june like Parklife!!
anyways dears, this was just a quick one.

Ciao x

The Yoga Lounge - Manchester


So I have promised to write this review and here I go!

So the Yoga Lounge is in Deansgate in Manchester, real easy to find! Right next to the Hilton you definitely cant miss that! They offer at the moment around 3-4 types of yoga and one hot pilates and some new pilates which I haven't tried yet! The new pilates opened just as my 30 days ran out!

The staff are always friendly and there are around 4-5 teachers, each with their own style of teaching and differences in the classes, so you may go to hot yoga twice a week but have two different experiences, all the teachers are encouraging and offer really good advice to help you do the poses. I know I really struggle with downward dog as all the weight was going in my wrists and Eleanor explained how to shift it to my hands which made things a lot easier! Though, I still hate downward dog! haha! I've tried each of the classes and love them all! Hot Flow is the hardest class but after a few tries I found I was doing a lot better. If you are wondering how hot yoga is different to bikram: Bikram has a particular set of 26 poses/breathing exercises, the classes never change and it is very disciplined, no talking! you also are encouraged to drink less water in bikram. Hot yoga has a lot of similar poses but you work on a warm up, standing poses, balancing poses and then back/core strenghening poses. You are encouraged to drink water throughout the class to stay hydrated and some of the poses encourage a good giggle around the class.

Everyone is really friendly with each other and the studio is really clean and fresh, I do wish they would get blinds for the 7 o clock classes when the sun goes down though! The changing rooms offer spaces to put your bags and coats have showers and hair dryers. If all classes are full you can be a little pushed for space sometimes but it's never been that bad. The studio has state of the art heating system which means the heat bounces off surfaces, completely different to bikram where its just the room heated up so if you have a cold not everyone is going to get it. The temperature is also adjustable which sometimes has been a life saver if the class is fuller and hotter! They also have the capability to book sessions online, which is amazing! you can keep a good yoga diary of what you are doing and they have a good range of times. You can tweet the studio with suggestions and they really do go off peoples feedback.

As for myself, hot yoga has induced some more weight loss, as you know I had an ankle injury and couldn't run or do anything in the gym so the classes really helped me with my fitness, this type of yoga is cardiovascular. The heat and movements themselves have helped my ankle heal and loosen my back. I'm constantly stretching in work realising how stiff it is working at a desk! I am so much stronger then I was 30 days back! Mind-wise I usually cannot shut my mind off, but when I am in class I am able to clear my mind, and to have that break feels amazing! I come out feeling so much calmer and I feel so much more confident in myself, I cannot describe how much much confidence has changed!

The Yoga Lounge has been a really positive impact in my life and I can't wait to get my membership in June, 75 pounds sounds like a lot but when you think its 10 pound a class and your getting all you want yoga/pilates, It's actually a really good offer!

So check it out:

Ciao x

Update: They tweeted me to let me know they are getting blinds next week!! Told you they took all comments on board :) 10 days till I go back!

OOTD May 11th.

Going out tonight!! Thought I would share a pic of me in my new river island dress!! My hips do need to shrink! Got my last couple of days at the yoga lounge this week, devastated!! I will write that post about it within the next few days! Necklace is from topshop!

Ciao x

Style Crush: Millie Mackintosh


I realised I haven't blogged at all this week!! That's no good!

This week I got my ASOS goodies!! If you saw my Egypt lust haves! I ordered all the dresses and a cheeky MANGO jumper that was on sale, sadly I had to return the jumper for a smaller size, I'm kidding I'm not that sad... It means I am shrinking!! Though it was so comfy I can't wait to get it back!! Two of the dresses I did return :( The stunning printed mango dress and the ASOS maxi dress. The maxi dress was just toooo long for my tiny legs and didn't sit right because of it. The MANGO dress I was so gutted about because its beautiful, I think it was made for taller people.... It was baggy everywhere but real tight on my hips no matter what I would have do it just would have sat weird on me so I had to say no to that :( on the plus side I am in LOOVEEE with the Midi dresses I got! take a peek at my instagram for a pic of me in the baroque dress! However I'm not moping too much because today I saw this beaaauutiful dress from Topshop I'm going to buy tomorrow:


So this post is mainly about Millie's style, has anyone been watching Made in Chelsea? It's definitely my guilty pleasure!! Anyway, I follow Millie on twitter ( HOW CUTE IS HERBY?!?) and she has been posting a  Style Diary . so I put a little collage of some of my favourite outfits! I really like the layout of her style diary I think I am going to be naughty and steal this for when I do my style diaries. Millie has a really good mix of high street clothes and the more expensive ones that unfortunately we can't all afford( like that purple burberry coat in my first pic :( ) I was obsessed with the missgudied tie dye dress, but looking at the measurements I am FAR to short for it. It's hard being 5 foot!! Which are your favourite Millie outfits?

On a personal note, not long to Egypt!!! I've lost a little more weight, I just need to start doing more cardio which is hard when I am banned from running still! I will be spending the next ten days at the yoga lounge( I will blog about this in a few days) I've made a bit of money on ebay which I have been putting aside in my savings! I've decided to try and sell as much as possible before I move in August, anything unsold will go to charity shops and I am going to go craaazzzyyy  in the art shops in Manchester!

I think that's all for now dears.
Ciao x