Beauty: Review - Topshop Lipstick

Look at this two blog posts within a week! So I wanted to focus this on a beauty product I am in love with.
Topshop lipsticks!
They are just a perfect consistency, quite creamy and all the ones I own are matt which I prefer. I tend to have dried lips quite often so at the moment I am using Baby Lips Hydrate( which I will review later...), the consistency of these lipsticks with or without the lip balm doesn't make my lips feel any worse if I am having a particularly dry moment. They have an insane range of colours if you saw a previous post I have my eyes on Called up!
I own four shades: Beatnix, Beeswax, Siren Screen and Hazard ( which currently isn't with me) I did previously have Minx but this disappeared at Leeds Fest and I was actually devastated!! It was the exact shade for my  lips! However I went to topshop at the beginning of the month and saw beatnix so they are forgiven for discontinuing Minx!  Because my lips are quite big I have to be really careful with the colours I choose, so I tend to go for more natural colours or bright reds. Beatnix is pretty much a match for my lips and Beeswax gives them a nice pinky tint that doesn't look too fake. Screen Siren is a bit too bright red for me, I prefer darker shades of red to be honest ( Like Hazard) it is still very gorgeous.
Topshop lipsticks are £8 which i think is an amazing bargain. They have just as much pigmentation as any MAC lipstick I've tried and are so creamy and smooth which average around £12-£13.
Here is a picture of them next to my new lipstick holder ( aka a teacup!)

Ciao x

Vintage Fair: Lou Lous

I know I said weekly posts. I am sorry, I have been so caught up in life! Saw Vampire Weekend on Sunday they were incredible!! So amazing live, Ezra's voice is just insane! Also went to the comedy store in Manchester, one comedian in particular - Tom Stade was hilarious! I had literal tears down my face and I have now got a sore throat from laughing so hard.

Saturday I went to Lou Lou's Vintage fair in Manchester. It was good, but heaps smaller then I thought it was going to be. I was a little disappointed there wasn't more on offer, just  a small room with stalls along two sides and stalls facing them in the middle. Not loads however I did find this collar which I picked up for £10. I really wanted a collar this season to mix up my leather jacket as I have been wearing it all summer. Its got buttons along the back to fasten it to my jacket collar I just need to figure out how to get the sides to sit better I think.

In other news. I got a new cat called Bruce. Absolutly in love with him! so I have been quite preoccupied with him :) here is a sneaky picture.

I have got some posts lined up so I will try to get a couple in before the new year.

Ciao x