Inside my sketchbook 1

Things have been a little quiet on the blogging front lately, I've been decorating jars for my etsy and I kindaaaaa got a bit obsessed with it and didn't do much else.... The jars have really made me feel creative again and I've even started painting!! One of my main goals this year was to start creating my own sketching style but one of my other goals was to practice my use of colour and how to use different colours together. I've been doing a lot of practising with oil pastels so I thought I would show you them! I still need a lot of work but who knows where I will be by the end of the year! I'm not really focusing on any particular subject when I am practising at the moment but the aim is to work it into portrait work. I'm thinking about making this a regular post letting you see what's inside my sketchbook! I've also included a cheeky shot of a painting I've been working on!

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1 comment

  1. I used to love working with oil pastels when I studied art at school, I love the texture of them. The picture of the flamingo is amazing, you have some talent girl!! xx

    Charlotte | Just Charlotte
