EGYPT Lust haves!


So in the excitement of egypt I've put a little collection of images together of things I want to buy for the holiday!! Think I may need to win the lottery soon! Although... help a sister out and have a look at my old clothes I am selling: .

Hoping that I can make enough on eBay  savings and selling my wii to afford these goodies! When I do a shop I'll show you all the things I get :)

In other news I have 19 classes of hot yoga/pilates booked till the 15th so hopefully some of this stomach podge will go! Physio this week so hopefully I can get back to the gym as soon as! Can't believe I am saying this but I miss running! I'm signing up for the Chester marathon on the 6th October seeing as I cannot do the Manchester one or the half marathon.

I think that's all for now dears
ciao x

Review: Lush Big Blue.

Hello!! This week I am writing about the Big Blue bath bomb from Lush.

Since Feb, I've become obsessed with Lush products. I will definitely be doing more reviews for them, anyway when I went in in March I asked the girl for some relaxing products for when I was running. She suggested this and a big orange bar I can't remember the name of but I found out it was just a spring limited edition and they don't sell it any more! Devastated!
(p- bath bomb pic)

Anyway, here is a picture of the bomb and my bath, I won't lie its such a gorgeous shade of blue, I definitely felt I was at sea! I was a bit put off by the amount of seaweed at first but when I was in the bath it didn't bother me at all, I completely forgot about it! After about twenty minutes my skin felt so soft. even now without moisturiser it feels amazing!! I couldn't believe it! Definitely stocking up on this again! The bomb dissolves so quickly, I just threw it in the bath, I do find with the bubble bar I have to run it under the water and sometimes large chunks break off and float around till I locate them but this just did it all on its own and was blue in no time!

In other news, the reason it was so exciting to have a bath like the sea is because: I'M GOING TO EGYPT!!! I'll be there for a week next month, the hotel looks gorgeous!!! It's called sunrise beach resort and if you have been there please let me know what you thought!! I've never really been to another Arab country apart from home so it's really exciting to see the culture from a different angle and to see what their souks have in stall! I'm going to be working hard to get my beach body. 30 DAYS TO GO! Ive booked in 20 classes at the yoga lounge in Manchester. This place is fantastic and I will write about my 30 days when they are done!

Lastly I did my very first car boot today. Let's just say it was an experience!! First of all some guy tried to pretend he had paid when he hadn't. Then some woman was supposed to pay 6 pounds for 2 perfumes gave me a fiver and legged it!!! I couldn't believe it!!She also had the nerve to return later and when we realised who she was as she walked away she made a quick escape again!  I'm not sure if its generally car boots or just today's crowd but they wouldn't even pay like £1.50 for a scarf! it was ridiculous! I decided not to lower the prices of a lot of my clothes and will eBay those later but I did manage to make 158.35! And now have much more space in my room!

Well dears, that's all for now.

Ciao x

Review: John Frieda Hair Mask

This week I am reviewing the John Frieda Hair mask: Miraculous recovery
So, in september I had this crazy idea I was going to dye my hair lilac, and I put 5 packs of bleach on my hair. I know, what was I thinking, I only reached a patchy ginger as well. My hair was fine until October when I holiday'd in australia and i found TONES of my hair was falling out, it was brittle, I could hardly get a brush through it. A hairdresser recommended using some strengthening products, I bought Paul Mitchell's strenghening products and while less hair was falling out I couldn't get a comb through it. So I bought this hair mask for around...£6 in asda, i use it once a week and straight away I noticed how much better my hair was. I could get a brush in it, it felt as soft as it used to and I wasn't worried about trying to style it. Honestly if you have troubled hair get this product. I've had it over a month now you don't need to use loads and I roughly leave it on for 5 minutes, wash it out and voila! My hair is the same as before! hardly any falling out and soft and smooth, brushes well. Let me know if you guys have had good experiences with this too!

x Ciao



Back from my lovely trip home!! Home always makes me feel so refreshed and inspired and its just so nice to get away from the UK and breathe. I spent a lot of my trip reading at the beach! A book I definitely recommend is: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I won't write about the plot because I don't want to spoil it but go and read!! I am thinking of doing a book review page aswell!

I have so many new idea's floating around in my head for my art and it is frustrating not having the space or materials to be able to do them right now but August is only 4 months away! So I am going to do as much prep as I can so I can start work straight away!

I didn't take many photo's but here is a couple: mostly of my cats and the beach!
Polly and injured ankle


Sparky trying to get my food

Actually the best burger in the world!

The Club beach

Public beach

So those are my photo's! My ankle is still injured so no running for now. Will do some more updates during the week as I have so much to catch up on!

Ciao x